
Interconnection puts renewable energy generation in your hands.

Customers who generate more electricity than they need can push that electricity back out through their meters as a surplus.

Interested in installing a renewable energy system on your property? 互连的过程并不复杂. 简单的六个步骤, 你可以完成, submit and finalize your application to enjoy the benefits of renewable energy generation.

使互连过程更容易, 至今还 has an online application system that will determine which application is right for you. Familiarize yourself with the information on this page before beginning the application process.


It is very important you do not energize your system until you receive the approval to energize/interconnect your system. If you energize your system prior to 至今还 changing your meter, your meter will register any surplus generation as load and you will be charged.

启动您的在线申请  → 


If you’d like to send your application in writing, please mail it to:

经办人. 发电机连接
埃克塞特,NH 03833


Read through the steps below to understand the full process and when you are ready, you can 在此开始或继续您的在线申请. 在整个申请过程中, you will be asked to submit supporting documentation when necessary. 请将所有填妥的文件透过我们的 文档上传门户.



为了一个安全高效的互连过程, 至今还 complies with requirements specified by the New England Independent System Operator (ISONE) and state agencies. 以了解有关这些要求的更多信息, 并发现互连是否适合你, 看看下面的链接.

10月新要求. 1, 2023:



  • 向专家求助 at generator@michiganroom.net 或者打电话给我们 603-773-6480 进一步讨论你的项目.
  • 调查你的安装公司. 公共事业部门 (马萨诸塞州客户)和 公用事业委员会 (新汉普郡 customers) are good resources for interconnection and net metering questions, 并确认企业的合法性.
  • 从你所在的城镇获得电力许可证. You may be required to obtain a building permit before or in addition to an electrical permit. 请与您所在的城镇或市政厅联系.


Due to the then-developing COVID-19 crisis, on March 27, 2020 Fitchburg Gas & 电 Light Company d/b/a 至今还 (“the Company”) determined the need to declare a COVID-19 Force Majeure Event (“Event”) pursuant to the “Standards for Interconnection of Distributed Generation”, MDPU没有. 375(“关税”.7.1 This message is to apprise you that the Event will end on Thursday, 5月11日, 2023, to align with the end of the 麻萨诸塞州 and federal COVID-19 public health emergencies (“Event Termination”).





Renewable energy isn’t just good for the environment — through interconnection, 这对你的钱包有好处, 太. Check out these blogs to learn more about this green initiative.